• Choice icon

      Please select the option that best represents your ability to understand questions and responses.

      How well do you understand the information given in short conversations?

      Not available unless: The activity TEST: LISTENING - QUESTION-ANSWER is marked complete
    • H5P icon

      In this lesson, you will distinguish questions that ask for main ideas from other types of questions. To answer these questions, focus on the whole conversation, not just part of it.

      Not available unless: The activity POLL: LISTENING - SHORT CONVERSATIONS is marked complete
    • H5P icon

      You will learn how to answer information questions, based on the meaning of the ''Wh'' words. Additionaly, knowing the meaning of the modal can help understand the purpose of the conversation.

    • Game icon

      In this game, put your speaking skills into practice. Read the phrases in this activity out loud and aim for the highest possible score. The grade recorded for this activity will be based on the first attempt.

    • H5P icon

      In this game, put your speaking skills into practice. Read the phrases in this activity out loud and aim for the highest possible score.

      Not available unless: The activity GAME: CROSSWORD - SHORT CONVERSATIONS is marked complete
    • Quiz icon
      You will hear conversations between two people. You will answer three questions about each conversation. You will hear the conversations only once. Time limit: 14 minutes.
      Not available unless: The activity GAME: SPEAK THE WORDS - SHORT CONVERSATIONS is marked complete