Please select the option that best represents your ability to understand ''talks''.
How proficient are you in identifying the main idea and supporting details in talks?
''Wh'' question words appear in parts 2, 3, 4 and 7 of the TOEIC Test. They will tell you not only that specific information is required, but what kind of information to look for.
Try to skimm the questions quickly before the talk begins. The questions are in the same order as the information presented in the talk. Questions about inferences are often Wh- questions that ask about ideas or impressions conveyed in the passage.
In this game, put your speaking skills into practice. Read the phrases in this activity out loud and aim for the highest possible score. The grade recorded for this activity will be based on the first attempt.
In this game, put your speaking skills into practice. Read the phrases in this activity out loud and aim for the highest possible score.
You will hear talks given by one speaker. You will answer three questions about each talk. You will hear the talks only once. Time limit: 16 minutes.