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Off-color remarks or jokes are about sex and are slightly shocking.


The act or process of arranging or structuring things, ideas, or activities in a systematic or orderly way to achieve a specific purpose or goal. It involves creating structure, clarity, and coherence in how elements are arranged or managed.

An organization typically refers to a formal group of people or entities structured and coordinated to achieve specific goals or objectives.


The final result of a process, meeting, activity etc.


A set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity.


To give the main facts about something.


To succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem.


It generally refers to a situation where a system, mechanism, or entity is subjected to more stress, demand, or activity than it is designed to handle, potentially leading to inefficiency, breakdown, or failure.


To fail to notice or consider something or someone.


An overview is a brief summary of the main points or topics that will be covered in the presentation. It is typically given at the beginning of the presentation and serves as a roadmap for the audience, helping them to understand what to expect and providing them with a clear outline of the topics that will be covered. 

The overview can be presented in various formats, such as a bullet-pointed list, a visual diagram, or a verbal summary. Its purpose is to provide the audience with a clear idea of what they can expect to learn or gain from the presentation, and to help them stay engaged and focused throughout.